
Basic Reading, Writing & Spelling

Basic Reading, Writing & Spelling was developed for elementary students lacking the foundation needed to read and write. This course is for Grade 3 students who missed Grade 2. (00002219)

Elementary Art

In this course, students focus on basic elementary art concepts. (00002223)

Foundational Reading, Writing & Spelling

Foundational Reading, Writing & Spelling was developed for elementary students lacking the foundation needed to read and write. This course is for Grade 2 students who missed Grade 1. (00002218)

Elementary Social Skills – Level 2

The Acellus Elementary Social Skills course is the second level in the elementary pathway focused on social development and emotional well being.  This course presents students with real-life scenarios, and allows them to determine how to make the choices needed in gaining positive outcomes. Students will learn about healthy lifestyles, positivity, and the impact that […]

Discover Portuguese

Discover Portuguese is a full year course for students seeking mastery of Portuguese as a second language. The course is taught using the Discover Method, making it the right choice for students of any native tongue having little or no Portuguese background. (00002188)

PE, Social, and Emotional Education – Elementary School

PE, Social, and Emotional Education – Elementary School focuses on the importance of emotional, social, and physical education in students’ lives helping them to cultivate meaningful relationships, caring attitudes, and healthy physical habits. (00002017)

World Geography – 1st Half

This course is the first half of World Geography and was created for the purpose of providing schools with the ability to grade each half of the course independently. California A-G/Quality Matters approved. (00002025)

World Geography – 2nd Half

This course is the second half of World Geography and was created for the purpose of providing schools with the ability to grade each half of the course independently. California A-G/Quality Matters approved. (00002026)

Grade 3 Science

In this course, students focus on Grade 3 Science concepts. (Version 2.0) (00001911)

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